The art of observation…. “The Rain Man”

For those who don’t know I am currently in the UK assisting my Sister who is facing great difficulty.We live our lives getting into a rut and not being present in the moment, we are always rushing about and onto the next thing and the next… Life pulling you here and there!

Even during my visit, I would suddenly stop while walking kids to school, or running errands and look at a pattern that leaves have left, or peeled paint. I really do see things were people don’t see anything at all. Yes, I am a very observant person and have a great imagination, BUT I have also trained myself to actually LOOK around me at all times. You never know what you can be missing, especially as photographers!

We can miss so much by not being in the present moment. This image was taken in the playground of the kid’s school while waiting for the school to come out.

Instead of thinking of what I should be doing next, or how cold it was, or life back at home, or work I looked around, at the clouds and the autumn leaves and the old building, and then…

The rain had formed a pattern on one of the sheds and it looked just like a man. This reminded me of laying on my back as a child and looking at the clouds and finding a shape or figure in them.

I would have completely missed this If I was not in the present moment and even had some of the other parents come to look to see what I was doing and also been quite intrigued how nature made its own art naturally.
The world is really our canvas, we must just look!

Love and Light

Melanie C

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